O nama

Glumačka družina Histrion od 1975. do danas pod umjetničkim i organizacijskim vodstvom njezina utemeljitelja Zlatka Viteza prolazi kroz tri različite faze djelovanja.

Nastala u sedamdesetim godinama 20. stoljeća kada se iz otpora prema institucionalnom kazališnom modelu osnivaju mnoge neovisne glumačke grupe, Glumačka družina Histrion započinje djelovati kao putujuće kazalište što na ljetnim turnejama brodom uplovljava u mala mjesta na jadranskim otocima igrajući predstave za publiku koja se uglavnom nikada prije nije susrela s kazalištem.

Uz ploveće kazalište, potom u osamdesetim godinama Vitez osniva i Zagrebačko histrionsko ljeto (1986.), proširujući repertoar produkcijama spektakularnih ansambl-predstava popularnih zagrebačkih autora, posebice afirmirajući djela Marije Jurić Zagorke, a igrajući ih tijekom cijeloga ljeta za brojnu publiku metropole.

Treću fazu umjetničkoga rada Histriona obilježava dobivanje stalnoga scenskoga prostora 2007. godine, otvaranjem Histrionskoga doma na adresi Ilica 90, u kojemu družina radi i igra predstave i tijekom kazališne sezone, gdje Vitez potom osniva i dva festivala nazvana po znamenitim histrionskim glumcima – festival kabarea Gumbekovi dani po komičaru Mladenu Crnobrnji Gumbeku i Bobijeve dane smijeha po Josipu Bobiju Marottiju.

Kroz povijest i prikaz triju različitih produkcijskih modela djelovanja kojima družina uvijek iznalazi novi način privlačenja široke publike, u radu se kroz analizu repertoara opisuje i kazališna poetika prepoznatljivoga histrionskoga suvremenog pučkog glumačkog kazališta što stilom igre izravno komunicira s publikom. Okupljajući generacije glumaca i kazališnih umjetnika, u radu se pokazuje kako kroz četrdeset šest godina neprekinutoga djelovanja, pod vodstvom živuće legende hrvatskoga glumišta, glumca i redatelja Zlatka Viteza, Glumačka družina Histrion ostvaruje svoju nacionalnu kulturnu misiju – širenja kazališne kulture, stvaranja novoga modela organizacije, afirmacije hrvatskih književnika, stvaranja prepoznatljivoga kazališnoga stila te naposljetku i stvaranja autentičnoga zagrebačkog kazališnog brenda.


Under the artistic and executive management of its founder Zlatko Vitez, the Histrion Acting Company went through three distinct creative stages.

Created in the 1975, along with numerous other independent theatre companies opposing the concept of institutional theatre, the Histrion Acting Company began its career as a summer touring company devoted to visiting small towns along the Adriatic coast and islands on a boat and giving productions to audiences largely unaccustomed to theatre performances.

In addition to the touring company, in the 1980s Vitez also established the Zagreb Histrion Summer (1986), broadening the existing repertoire with spectacular, ensemble productions of popular Zagreb authors, such as Marija Jurić Zagorka. The productions took place during summer months and entertained the audience of Croatian capital.

The third artistic stage begun in 2007 when the company obtained its permanent performance space and opened the doors of the Histrion House situated in 90 Ilica Street. From that time, the Histrion House offered daily performances during the entire season and hosted two festivals founded by Zlatko Vitez and named after well-known Histrion actors –the Gumbek’s Days cabaret festival named after the comic actor Mladen Crnobrnja Gumbek and the Bobi’s Days of Laughter named after Josip Bobi Marotti.

In line with the historic overview of three different production models that enabled the company to attract new audience, the paper examines the repertoire and describes the theatrical poetics of unique histrionic and contemporary, popular and actor-based theatre focused on immediate communication with its spectators. Bringing together generations of actors and theatre artists, the paper unveils how during the 46 years of uninterrupted existence and headed by the living legend of Croatian theatre, actor and stage director Zlatko Vitez, the Histrion Acting Company successfully accomplished its cultural mission of – distributing theatre culture, generating new models of organization, asserting Croatian writers, creating recognizable theatrical style, and finally, shaping the authentic Zagreb theatre brand.

Katarina Modrić, 2021.